Kelly takes on an intense fitness program at home with p90x.
Christina goes hard core at the gym with her personal trainer.
We're gunna BRING IT then and we're gunna BLOG IT.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Week 3, Day 3 - Arms & Shoulders & Heavier Weights

Halfway done with Week 3! Today included Shoulders & Arms as well as Ab Ripper X. I decided that I was ready to increase my weights, and I am so glad I did. I used my new 10 lb weights for all curls, presses, and rows. I decreased my reps from 12 to 10. I stayed with 5 lb weights and 12 reps for tricep exercises. I just wanted the maximum weight I could lift while keeping good form; for triceps exercises, it's harder for me to keep that form, so I kept it light with more reps. Maybe some day I'll adjust those triceps kickbacks to 10 reps at 8 lb.
Tony's suggestion is:
If you want toned muscle, do 12-15 reps at a lower weight.
If you want big muscle, do 8-10 at your maximum weight.

I definitely felt the burn more with my new 10 lb weights. I had a hard time with my last few sets of curls, although I wasn't barely eeking them out. Maybe I need a set of 12 lb weights? Scary! I am definitely seeing a physical difference - I can see some definition in my triceps (definitely never had that before) and more size in my shoulders and biceps. Hehe, I like it.

Ab Ripper is still torture, and I'm sure it always will be. I don't even do the full 25 reps of each exercise. I do 20 and then stretch and breath while Tony does the last 5. The problem isn't that it's too hard, it's that I'm too tired! I honestly feel that if I took 3 days off, and then did Ab RipperX, I could do it all. Lol, but I guess that's the whole point. For Phase 1, which ends next week, I'm going to stick with that 20 reps. I want to gradually work my way up. Here are my Ab Ripper X goals:
Phase 1 (Weeks 1-4): 20 reps
Phase 2 (Weeks 5-8): 22-23 reps
Phase 3 (Weeks 9-13): 24-25 reps

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